
Here are a list of books I would recommend for animal breeders.

Open Textbook Library is a great source for books.

Mrode 2023 - Linear Models

Mrode 4th Ed Book

Amazon: Mrode 2023

CABI: Mrode 2023

R Examples: Mrode R Code on GitHub

Note: This book may be available from your University library website. I asked the librarian at Iowa State and they got it ordered so I could download a PDF version of this book. Please check first before paying for this book.

Henderson 1984 Book

Henderson Book

PDF:Download PDF

Van Vleck 1993 Book

Van Vleck Book

This book is know as “the green book” and has many great aspects to teach young animal breeders.

PDF:Download PDF

Van Vleck Notes

Van Vleck Notes

This I believe was an earlier version of the other notes above.

PDF:Download PDF

Schaeffer - Linear Models

Schaeffer Notes

PDF:Download PDF

Schaeffer - The Animal Models

Schaeffer Animal Models Book

Amazon: Schaeffer Animal Models 2019

Legarra - Bases for Genomic Prediction

Legarra Notes

PDF:Download PDF

BIF Online

BIF Wiki

Wiki: BIF Wiki

Wageningen Undergrad

WUR Book

Book: WUR Undergrad Book

PDF:Download PDF

Bourdon (Undergrad)

Bourdon Book

Amazon: Bourdon 1999

Cameron 1997

Cameron Book

PDF: Cameron 1997


Weller Book

Amazon: Weller Book

Cedric Gondro

Cedric Gondro GWAS Book

Amazon: Cedric Gondro GWAS Book

Falconer and Mackay 1995

Falconer and Mackay Book

Amazon: Falconer and Mackay 1995

Walsh and Lynch 2018

2nd edition of the famous Lynch and Walsh (1998) book on quantitative genetics.

Walsh and Lynch Book

Amazon: Walsh and Lynch 2018

Lynch and Walsh 1998

Classic book to learn mathematics associated with quantitative genetics.

Lynch and Walsh Book

Amazon: Lynch and Walsh 1998

Coop Open Source

Here is book I found online that is open sourced (create commons license).

Coop 3rd ed

PDF:Download PDF

GitHub: Coop 3rd Edition

Sorensen and Gianola 2002

Sorensen and Gianola Book

Amazon: Sorensen and Gianola 2002

Blasco 2017

Blasco Book

Amazon: Blasco 2017